
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Worst week of my life!

So we started out Monday and Tuesday looking for a cat, in shelters and online and such. We went to the shelter in Spanish Fork on Wednesday and found a lovely little black female cat, and we adopted her and took her home. We named her Charlotte, since it goes so well with our last name. We had everything she needed and she was so adorable and playful. 

Then Friday night she started feeling sick. I hadn't seen her eat or drink for a while, so we were a little concerned, but we were hoping it was just a fluke. We went to bed, and that night she threw up several times all over our bedroom floor, and it just got worse. So Saturday night we took her to the vet in petsmart while we were there buying stuff to clean the carpet, and they weren't sure what could be wrong with her. They gave her some antibiotics and injected some fluids into her. We had an appointment with her regular vet on Monday, so we figured she'd be okay till then. Sunday all she wanted to do was curl up in a corner, and not do anything. Now we were getting worried, and we tried to force-feed her some baby food and water, but she couldn't keep it down. Then we took her to the vet Monday afternoon, and the vet told us how bad it probably was. We decided to hospitalize her, to give her the best chance to fight off the virus she had, which was probably feline paleokemia, or something.

Worried sick about her, we went home hoping she would recover soon. That night I felt a little strange after dinner, and I had a pain that I've had before, so I took a Tums and some Pepto and went to bed. At about 1 in the morning or so, I woke Jacob up and told him I really wasn't feeling so great, I couldn't sleep, and I needed some help. We tried lots of different things, I finally asked for a blessing, and then after that I went in the bathroom and spent the rest of the night throwing up. The pain in my abdomen didn't subside no matter what I did, and I sat in front of the toilet the whole night, no being able to go back to bed.

Finally at about five in the morning, I knew there was something wrong more than just a stomach flu so I had Jake take me to the Emergency room. Once we got there they gave me an anti nausea and some morpheme, and took an ultrasound. Turns out I have bad Gall stones and I'll need surgery. They gave me a prescription for some Lortab and more anti nausea and sent me home with a phone number to call a surgeon. I called the surgeon the next day, got an appointment for Wednesday afternoon, and crashed in bed for the rest of the day. It was miserable. Waiting for the doctor's appointment I laid groaning in bed. We got a call, and Jake told me I had bad news, we had lost Charlotte. It was little more than I could deal with for the time.

That afternoon we went to the surgeon. He checked some things out and told me I should have surgery, let's do it as soon as possible. He sent me home and I got an appointment for surgery the next morning at 6:30 in the morning. The hospital called for my information, turns out I left my insurance card at the doctor's office in their copier, and there's no way to get a new one for like 10 days. And they're worried that my maiden name on my account will cause problems. I had a major panic attack, found some information online, made a million phone calls, and got it figured out for the time being.

I couldn't sleep that night, I was freaking out pretty bad. In the morning we were so tired, but we went in, they did some tests, my surgeon came in to talk to me, and everything. They wheeled me in, and knocked me out. The next thing I knew, I was waking up in post-op and they were trying to give me ice cubes and some more pain meds. Then they took me back to Jacob and all the normal recovery stuff. I got some juice and crackers and all those things. After a while they decided it was time for me to get up and try walking around. So they put my IV on a pole and I held that in one hand and Jake's arm in the other and we started walking. When we got about ¾ of the way around, the nurse stopped us and said, are you doing okay? I said I was fine, and she said “No honey not you, your husband! You're the one in the hospital gown, but he's the one turning green!” So she handed me off to another nurse and she took Jake back to the room and got him an ice pack and some juice and Oreos and stuff. Jake was quite a funny color, but after he sat back down he started getting some color back.

So since then we've been trying to deal with all the issues with my surgery and with losing Charlotte and everything. So it's not the greatest thing right now. But we're trying to be tough and get our lives back together.

1 comment:

Sunni from Made for Little Gents said...

Oh man Kelsey, I hope you're doing better now! The bishop announced that you had surgery but I had no idea what you were going through.

That's awful timing to lose your cat too. :( Do you know if your sicknesses were related?

Our prayers are with you and Jake!!